PUMPKIN CREAM 2 pkgs. of unflavored gelatin 1 pkg. of orange gelatin (I use sugar-free gelatin.) 1½ cups of calcium fortified orange juice 1 cup of yogurt (homemade) 1 cup of chopped fruit (fresh, frozen or canned) 4 egg whites 1½ cups of non-fat dry milk 1 cup solid pack pumpkin (canned) 2 tablespoons honey 1 cup of chopped walnuts In a saucepan put ½ package orange gelatin and 1 pkg. of unflavored gelatin, add ¾ cup of the orange juice. Let set a few minutes to soften. Heat to dissolve. Do not let boil. Add the yogurt and blend into the mixture with a wire whip. Blend in the fruit and put into a 8 x 12 inch glass dish. Refrigerate until firm. In another saucepan put the remaining gelatin and orange juice. Let set a few minutes to soften and again heat to dissolve. In mixing bowl put the four egg whites and beat until soft peaks form, gradually add the honey and dry milk and continue beating for another minute. Add the pumpkin and beat until blended into mixture. With a wire whip blend mixture into the heated gelatin. Put over top of fruit mixture that had been refrigerated and sprinkle with the chopped walnuts. Refrigerate until firm. This recipe provides calcium, magnesium, potassium, beta carotene, manganese, inositol, boron, iron, zinc, Vitamins A, D, E, K, as well as the B vitamins. HEALTHY EATING SITE INDEX This index provides a list of further research summaries and recipes on some of the many ways foods can help prevent or reverse specific conditions. Just click on the ones that are of interest to you. (Home) (Description of books for prevention of osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer and dementia) (Low fat recipes) (Research studies on osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, and dementia from the books) (Nutritional Research on Osteoporosis Prevention) (Foods to eat or avoid to help prevent or reverse Osteoporosis) (Nutritional Research on Cancer) (Foods to eat or avoid to help prevent or reverse Cancer) (Nutritional Research on Alzheimer's Prevention) (Foods to eat or avoid to help prevent or reverse Alzheimer's) (Nutritional Research on Overcoming Heart Disease) (Foods that speed healing of Broken Bones) (Foods to help prevent or reverse Heart Disease) (Research on Foods to eat or avoid for helping to Prevent Kidney Stones) (Research on Foods for Helping To Heal Broken Bones) (Rosemary's story) (Rosemary's talks) (Links other nutrition research resources on the net) (Order form for books on preventing or reversing osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer and dementia )Rosemary C. Fisher. |