199Beta Carotene and Aging 

Research from the U.S. Department on Aging at Tufts University suggests that the nutritional quality of your diet may slow down or prevent age-related problems that many people think are inevitable. Beta carotene-rich foods are considered one of the top food sources of key nutrients that have shown promise in anti-aging research.

Opt for foods not supplements. Produce is less expensive and tastier. We have to eat anyway, so why not have a tasty source of other important nutrients that are contained in fruits and vegetables rich in beta carotene. Cook vegetables in as little liquid as possible and for as short a time as possible. Do not discard the liquid but use it somewhere else in your meal. My books contain a list of foods highest in beta carotene and other minerals and vitamins. Each book has different recipes so you can apply the research to your diet and obtain the health benefits associated with the research.

Antioxidant Vitamins and Cataracts 

As a child I remember hearing, "Eat your carrots they are good for you." At that time I never thought that in my later years I would be researching why carrots are good for you. H. Gerster, in a German study (Z. Ernahrungswiss 28, 1156), confirms that people with higher than average intake of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta carotene - better known as antioxidant vitamins - are at a lower risk of cataract development. Scientists suspect that if we stock up on these vitamins we may be able to prevent, or at least delay by a decade, one age-related affliction: cataracts. Paul Jacques, Sc.D., epidemiologist, and his colleagues at USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston, took blood samples from over a hundred patients at a local ophthalmology clinic. They found that those whose blood samples registered high levels of the antioxidants were less likely to develop cataracts than those who had low levels of the antioxidants.

For more specific research summaries on how nutritoin affects different diseases see (A sampling of research studies from the books)


This index provides a list of further research summaries and recipes on some of the many ways foods can help prevent or reverse specific conditions. Just click on the ones that are of interest to you.

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Rosemary C. Fisher.
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